• What should I do if I encounter a problem ?
  • Please email to support@hc-skipper.com.

  • How much time is available to test HC-SKIPPER ?
  • The trial period lasts for 30 days.

  • Is it possible to use HC-SKIPPER on several PC's using the same account ?
  • Yes, this is allowed. To do that you just have to copy HC-SKIPPER data from the machine on which you set up your HC-SKIPPER account (registry). This information is however personal. If you divulge this information to others you authorize them to modify your configuration...

  • How can be certain that I own the latest release of HC-SKIPPER ?
  • HC-SKIPPER checks regularly for a more recent release on the distribution server. In the event that there is a new version you will be prompted to download it.

  • Are there any planned improvements ?
  • To learn about forthcoming improvements, please click on the section forthcoming improvements.

  • For which graphic definition HC-SKIPPER is optimized ?
  • HC-SKIPPER is optimized for a graphic definition of 1280 x 800 pixels. You may if you wish use it with a higher definition. The graphic interface will respond to your PC's configuration.